For the smiles of children today as well.


2018 Ukraine Support Activities (September 15th-20th)

Report on Ukraine Support Activities

From the 15th to the 20th of September, we visited Ukraine and toured various medical facilities, a sanatorium built for those who were affected by the Chernobyl disaster, and the homes of Ukrainians still living in radioactive areas. Unlike our usual visits, this time our focus was on investigating and gathering data. We visited three locations: Zhytomyr, Ovruch, and Narodychi. We have often visited Zhytomyr and Ovruch as there are facilities we support in these districts, but it was our first time visiting Narodychi. We believe the trip was very productive, as we had the opportunity to conduct interviews and observe the lives of local people. Like last year, we gathered the children who had participated in the Ukraine & Fukushima Children’s Exchange Program to take part in a interview with the local press.

Below we would like to provide a short summary of our findings during the trip.

We began by visiting two sanatoriums in suburban Kyiv and Zhytomyr. In Ukraine, hospitals are considered facilities for treatment while sanatoriums exist as facilities for rehabilitation. In the wake of the Chernobyl disaster, they have mainly served as places where liquidators (workers who dealt with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident) and children can recuperate. The facilities offer a variety of different programs treating issues related to blood pressure, headaches, obesity, and PTSD. In addition to prescription drugs, the sanatoriums use mud, herbs, and scented oils, thermotherapy, and water pressure massages as part of their treatment. The doctors also advise physical rehabilitation using the gym.


                                   Kapitanivka Sanitorium        The sanatorium pool






The children at the sanatorium          Patients exercising at the gym



While the government currently provides funding for the facilities’ medical, food, heating, electricity, and personnel costs, the funding still isn’t sufficient, leading the sanatoriums to rent out their event hall for public and private occasions. There is still need for more personnel and equipment.




Narodychi Raion is currently classified as part of the 2nd Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, where residency and work is restricted. Although there is no employment in the area outside of government-owned facilities, the district desires permission to build factories and other worksites in order to increase tax revenue. ちなみに、元々現地に住んでいる人は就労を認められていることや国が労働を制限しているにも関わらず、ナロジチ内にある病院や学校には国から予算が出ていることなど、矛盾を感じることも多かったです。










































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