For the smiles of children today as well.


Fukushima Trip, October 8th-9th

This is a report of our October activities in Fukushima.

Now that it’s October, it is starting to feel like autumn.
What does everyone think of when they imagine autumn?

In Japan, we say that autumn is the season of eating!


We enjoyed our own season of eating in Fukushima!



<Surf clam rice balls>                     <Grilled surf clam>

Mr. Imai from Minamisōma treated us to these delicious dishes.
We would like to thank him for all his help during our “Ukraine & Fukushima Children’s Exchange Program” in August.

Mr. Imai was kind enough to let us use his house for some additional thermotherapy sessions.
We were overjoyed to receive positive feedback, such as the thermal treatment helping participants with the pain in their knees and feet.


<Thermotherapy at Minna no Ie, a facility for Fukushima returnees>


We were also able to help the Fukushima NPO Hanamiyama wo Mamoru Kai with their farm work.
It was a valuable experience learning how to harvest tomatoes and edamame.



As for the Christmas cards from last month…



It was amazing to see all these beautiful, unique cards!
We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation.
In December, we will be exchanging these cards with Christmas cards from the children of Ukraine and Nepal.


October 8th-9th, 2019
Thermotherapy participants
Day 1 (13 participants): 2 at Ōmika Lifelong Learning Center, 11 at Mr. Imai’s house
Day 2 (33 participants): 11 at Hanamiyama wo Mamoru Kai, 3 at Iinomachi Community Center, 16 at Minna no Ie, 3 at Rainbow House


As the year grows colder, we hope that everyone will look after their health.

Our next visit to Fukushima will take place on December 10th and 11th.
※We will be visiting Nepal during the month of November.

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